We ask that you take the time to read through our in-studio policies. They are updated to reflect COVID-19 recommendations. These policies help ensure health and safety for all clients and our instructors and create a welcoming and respectful environment. If you have any questions or concerns about our policies, please contact us at any time.

Cancellation Policy

We understand emergencies & weather will interfere with our cancellation policy. please do not hesitate to let your instructor know of this; the cancellation fee may be waived at the instructor's discretion.

  • You can cancel your spot up to 4 hours before class with no penalty. This allows other clients to sign up in time.

  • Cancellations after 4 hours and no-shows will result in the loss of the class (for class package options) or a $10 charge (for unlimited package options). We really don’t like doing this.

  • Late cancellations done through text, email or social media are not accepted. Please cancel yourself out through your account.

General Etiquette

  • Aura Studio is a safe and inclusive space. We do not tolerate any speech or action that would make any individual feel unwelcome.

  • We want class to be safe and enjoyable - please inform your instructor prior to class beginning if you’re pregnant or have an illness or injury that would benefit from adjustments.

  • We work hard to provide this service - please respect the class, those around you, and your instructor.

  • If you ever have any questions, message us on social media or email us at general@aurastudiopv.com

  • Please note - messages received Saturday evenings after 7:00pm and Sundays will not be responded to until Monday morning… we need a day off too.

Studio Etiquette

  • Please arrive on time (10-15 minutes early for the first class). If you’re late, join class with minimal disruptions.

  • Grip socks are mandatory for barre, including first classes. If it is your first class, we have our gently used (always clean) stock to borrow. Our stock is available for purchase at $20.99 (+tax).

  • Comfortable indoor runners are required for Dance Fusion, Open Choreo and Spin classes. Please ensure they are clean to prevent tracking dirt into the studio.

  • We encourage an environment that is relaxed and outgoing.

  • Please respect the instructor while they’re talking - we want everyone to hear what is happening.

  • Giggles, groans, and the odd glare at your instructor are encouraged!

illnesses/covid-19 Policy

The following are guidelines and requests asked by the studio owner. We understand there are many strong feelings around Covid-19. When we all leave those at the door and be respectful, we create a beautiful and welcoming environment for all.

  • If you are ill and/or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home or wear a mask during class to prevent the spread of illnesses to others. If you’ve tested positive, we ask that you do not attend class until you’ve tested negative.

  • we understand other illnesses are continuing to float around. Please be respectful to the instructor and class and refrain from attending classes if you’re ill at all. During allergy season, please be mindful of those around you if you’re sneezing.

  • There is zero tolerance for not respecting the personal space of others and any hurtful, hateful or disrespectful comments/conversations with clients and instructors. Anything in this regard that is witnessed or brought to the instructor’s attention will be handled professionally.

  • Please refrain from grabbing or touching equipment that is not yours. All required equipment will be laid out for you. If you’d like something different, please let your instructor know.

  • We ask that all personal belongings be neatly put aside at the entrance. Only water bottles and a clean sweat towel (if using one) should be the only items with you for your workout.