Debunking the Myths - 4 Common Misconceptions About Barre that Need to Go
Misconceptions of what barre is can overshadow the value of the workout.
Photo by Mackenzie Gaultier
What pops into your head when you read the word ‘barre’ (I’m looking at you who hasn’t tried it yet)?
Let’s get the giggles and typical joke out of the way right now – “Oh, you mean where I go and drink beer with my buds?” I hate to break it; you’re not the first one to come up with this joke.
As barre continues to grow in popularity, so too do the misconceptions around what barre truly is. Although a simple Google or YouTube search will give you an idea of what a barre workout is like, it still has these misconceptions that follow it.
To this day, as a barre studio owner and someone who’s been instructing for over three years, I still chat with those that believe the common misconceptions (you’ll see below) over anything I say.
Now, I get it that basically anything new and unique develops misconceptions. The struggle with barre is that it can provide soooo many incredible benefits to basically everyone out there, but many won’t try it. Why?
Because of misconceptions they’ve heard or read about barre, that they believe to be true.
Of course, you’re always going to find examples that make those misconceptions accurate. That doesn’t mean that’s the case for everyone and every barre class.
I am on a mission to keep showing what barre is and can be, why you should try it, how it will benefit you, and why the misconceptions below NEED TO GO!
Barre is only for dancers or ex-dancers.
Now, this is probably THEE biggest misconception about barre class and let’s just lay it out flat right now – you do not need dance experience, coordination, flexibility, rhythm, or anything “dance” related to do barre.
Let me say that one more time in case you zoned out – you do not need any dance or dance-related experience to take barre classes!
Yes, barre was created decades ago by an injured dancer to help other injured dancers stay in shape. HOWEVER, as barre grew in popularity, it quickly adapted to be suitable for anybody, dancer or not.
When you attend a barre class like ours, we keep the classic ballet elements, because that’s what makes a barre class. So, yes, you’re going to hear ballet terms and positions of the body. That doesn’t mean you can’t do it, though. Many first-time clients are pleasantly surprised that their body was able to do the movements.
As I like to say – we’re helping bring out the inner ballerina inside us all.
I’m not strong enough to take barre.
The misconception that you have to be in shape already to take barre probably makes me the saddest. That means so many people are turning away from an incredible workout that can help them reach their goals, all because they have the wrong idea about barre.
Barre is for anybody and everybody!
Is it challenging? Absolutely. Will you have moments of struggle? Most likely, because what workout doesn’t? Do you need a six-pack and be able to lift your leg to your head? Hell no.
You can easily adapt pretty much any barre movement to suit your body type and fitness level. If it’s feeling too hard, then you can drop the weight, remove the resistance band, or simply take a bit of a break.
With any workout, you have to start somewhere. So, why can’t you start your journey with barre and watch how you progress to the very challenging moves?
You don’t sweat, so it’s not a challenging workout.
Okay, whoever says you don’t sweat in a barre class needs to come to our Carman location and then we’ll talk.
All jokes aside, this misconception is a hard one, because it depends on so many factors. Some people sweat while working out, and some people don’t. They could be doing the exact same thing with the same intensity, and the sweaty one will still sweat, and the other won’t.
Also, it depends on the style of class you’re attending. Some barre classes are designed to be slow-paced, which you may not sweat in. Other classes up the speed and intensity, which increases your chance of sweating.
Whether you sweat or not doesn’t determine the challenge of a workout. So, throw this idea away that only sweaty workouts are worth your time because trust me, you can be shaking like crazy with super sore muscles the next day and not break a sweat.
Barre is a workout for women.
Okay, I get it. The idea of turning out your legs, hip thrusts, and pliés may not sound manly. That doesn’t mean it’s only meant for women. Men can get the same benefits from barre too!
Barre is more female-dominated for sure. You may even find classes that are strictly for women, and that’s okay too. But that doesn’t mean that barre, in general, shouldn’t appeal to men.
I’d like to point out a few facts to persuade the men (hopefully) reading this:
It’s common for professional football players to take ballet classes to help with endurance, balance, focus and flexibility.
During his bodybuilding years, Arnold Schwarzenegger took ballet to help with his posing and presentation.
Jean Claude Van Damme took ballet for five years and was quoted saying it’s hard (and we all know the crazy moves that man can do).
I rest my case.
Have I convinced you yet?
Remember the old saying, “don’t judge a book by its cover”? Well, don’t judge barre fitness based on what you see and hear. Take a class for yourself first and then decide.
When you’re ready, your spot at the barre will be waiting for you.